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January 11, 2021
By Chris Yadv

Discover / Understand Instagram Search And Explore

Instagram search and explore

Instagram highly prioritizes its search and explore content. Finding yourself on Instagram’s explore will highly boost up your marketing strategy. That’s because it is mainly designed for businesses to gain more attention and engagement.

There are several other ways to get featured, which are listed down in the article. Over here you will also attain knowledge on different search techniques to look for relevant content. Similarly, you will also get to know how to generate successful marketing ideas on Instagram.

How To Use Instagram Search And Explore?

Explore The ‘Gram

Click on the magnifying glass icon below to explore and search on Instagram. This helps you explore posts based on your search activities on Instagram. You also come across videos, reels, and IGTV videos based on your preferences.

Instagram Explore Icon

This is how the whole explore page looks like:

Instagram search and explore

Updates on the Instagram explore page :

New Channel search on Instagram Explore    New channel search on Instagram Explore

After the current changes in the Instagram Algorithm, it has become more individual-centric. Instagram next made its explore page more convenient, relevant, and personal.

You will notice that no two accounts will have the same content on their explore feeds. Well! That’s because Instagram puts forward only that content to you that you may enjoy.

Plus, Instagram has added a whole new bar of topic channels on the Instagram explore page. This gives users a new and easy way to discover content based on different niches and topics.

These topic channels include:

  • IGTV
  • Shop
  • Travel
  • Decor
  • Style

Searching On The ‘Gram

Directly tap on the search bar to start browsing. You can search for the following:

  • Top- This consists of all other 3: accounts, tags, and places
  • Accounts- Simply people you are searching for
  • Tags- All sorts of Hashtags
  • Places- Location tags

Instagram search- top      Instagram search - Accounts

Instagram search - Tags      Instagram search - place

Hashtag Suggestions:

Search for different Hashtags, If you cannot think of any hashtags, search for them on the search bar and click on tags, it will give you a list of related hashtags to use!

Hashtag Suggestion

How To Get Featured On Instagram Search And Explore?

1. Put relevant hashtags on your post and you will see your post in explore and search.

Instagram Hashtag

2. Click on Add location. This is another way to put yourself out there to get noticed!

add location

3. Use Sticker Hashtags to your story. To add a Hashtag on your story, tap on the #HASHTAG sticker, and put a relevant word. You will also get suggestions based on the hashtags you use.

Sticker Hashtag

4. Add Location to your story.

Instagram Location

5. Go Live!

Instagram shows the top live videos on the search and explore page.

Though getting your live video on the explore page may be difficult but it is worth a try!

Instagram Live

Instagram Advanced Search – A child’s play

Simply put, the Instagram Explore page provides just what your company wants. This is a perfect tool for social media marketing and spreading awareness for your brand.

If you can strategically boost your profile on Instagram Explore, you can get more views and engagement for your brand. This will increase the opportunity of selling new goods, attracting new clients, and engaging with a broader audience.

At the end of the day, hacking the Explorer page is all about working out how to talk to your viewers in the right way.

Written By <a href="https://rlmaservices.com/author/chris/" target="_self">Chris Yadv</a>

Written By Chris Yadv

Entrepreneur & have expertise in organic SEO, Branding, and Social Media Marketing. Helping carpet cleaners, roofers, and medium-sized businesses to increase sales and provide them with the brand image. If you are looking to learn digital marketing techniques to grow your business, must subscribe to our website (Branding Marketing Agency).